
Frequent Questions

What is ATINY Fellowship?

Atiny Fellowship is a fan-made website that aims to centralize information about voting, streaming, comeback and other important info to support ATEEZ.
It is also a joint project and collaboration of Atiny Network, Ateez System and Ateez SMA

When did ATINY Fellowship start?

The project initiation started around June of 2021.

Is ATINY Fellowship a fanbase?

No, this is a joint project by fanbases. This is a project that is meant for ATINY all over the world. Aside from the fanbases that are specified on the About Us section, we also worked with Atiny Guild (union of regional and global fanbases) for the success of this project.

Does ATINY Fellowship work under KQ Entertainment or ATEEZ?

No. We are not affiliated with KQ Entertainment or ATEEZ.

Does ATINY Fellowship accept donations?

We usually post pools depending on its purpose, mostly for Digitals preparation. However, we are currently not accepting donations specifically for the website. If you are interested in doing so, please email us at atinynetwork@gmail.com

Who runs ATINY Fellowship? Are they all ATINY?

Yes. You can also find our information on the Credits page. We are all OT8 Atiny and we love them so much!

Where is ATINY Fellowship located?

All of our members are from diverse backgrounds located in different parts of the world.

Does ATINY Fellowship have any sort of profit on this website?

Nope! The people behind the website funded it 100% and those who worked on the website did everything for free out of our love and support for the boys.