Brand Reputation

It is a ranking that reflects an artist's popularity online. It measures how well searched and talked Ateez and the members are by the public - how much media buzz they create on Korean sites and forums. It is composed of the Participation Index, Media Index, Communication Index, and Community Index.

Why is increasing Brand Reputation
rankings important?

It helps idols gain exposure. The more attention they earn from Korean platforms, the more recognised they will be, and more doors of opportunities will open. It indicates the idol's value, and those with higher values will receive more offers.
Participation index

The participation index is about the amount of times ATEEZ and the members are searched on korean platforms. The more searches, the better increase of participation and more people will look into them.

An example of a participation index is:
using links to search for ATEEZ and the members individually and staying on the page for 2-3 minutes can help increase the participation index.

Some examples of search platforms are:
Google kr, Naver, Daum, Wikipedia kr, NamuWiki, Naver talk, etc.

Media Index

It is the mass engagement of ATEEZ and ATEEZ individual members on Naver articles, by sharing, reacting, recommending and commenting the articles.

Open the articles and scroll down to see the reactions. Use the 4th reaction (at times we might suggest 3rd), recomment by tapping the long box and share the article to increase influence.

Stay on the page for 30 seconds to one minute. We suggest to stay this long to make the articles trend by just viewing it. Also you would't be detected as a bot.

Take a look at these articles!